
Currently Available Coupons

Limit one coupon per customer. Must be used in one transaction. Cannot be combined with any other sales, offers or discounts. Cannot be used for merchandise already purchased. Coupons are not redeemable for cash, gift cards, gift certificates or store credit. No reproductions or rain checks accepted. Offer valid only while supplies last. Offers are not applicable to canceled orders due to out-of-stock merchandise. Discount does not apply to taxes, shipping and handling charges or other similar charges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use multiple coupons (i.e. coupon stacking)?

A: No, you cannot use multiple coupons in the same transaction. Only a single coupon may be used for each transaction.

Q: Can I apply coupons for items on sale?

A: No, you cannot apply coupons for items on sale. You can receive either the coupon offer, or the sale offer, but not both. If your shopping cart contains one or more items on sale, you will be unable to apply the coupon, unless you remove the items on sale.

Q: I received an email stating that my shopping cart was about to expire, along with a discount offer or coupon code. What amount does this discount apply to?

A: Any discount or coupon code, regardless of its origin, applies to the final order sub-total as reflected on our website during the checkout process. It does not apply to any previous cart total listed in email or any other location. Furthermore, these coupon codes cannot be stacked with other coupon codes.

Policy updated September 8, 2019.