S&W M&P 15-22 Sub-sonic Recoil Spring


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  • Intended to be used with sub-sonic ammo ONLY.
  • DO NOT use with standard or high velocity ammo. Receiver damage may happen.
  • Do NOT use a short 10 round magazine
  • Use ONLY 25 round length magazines and load ONLY 10 to 15 rounds.
  • Check to make sure the bolt is in battery every time before you pull the trigger!!!!
  • You must use the bolt release to chamber a round. Do NOT pull back on the charging handle and let go.

The “Ideal” round is .22LR 40 grain with a muzzle velocity of 710 FPS in our test rifles.
You may have better or worse results with other weights and speeds.

Note: It is your responsibility to review and follow all United States of America federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations related to the use, possession, purchase and/or ownership of restricted items. And of course, be safe and have fun.